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Vanderburgh County Schools:
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Jasmine Alldredge

Admission Counselor

Jasmine Alldredge's headshot

Heather Cook

Senior Associate Director of Admission

Heather Cook's headshot

Alli Haley

Admission Counselor

Alli Haley's headshot

Jennifer Troutman

Assistant Director of Admission

Jennifer Troutman's headshot

Toma Mallett

International Admission Counselor

Toma Mallett's headshot

Rachael Darrett

Admission Counselor

Rachael Darrett's headshot


Megan Nilssen

Manager of Specialty Markets Recruitment

Megan Nilssen's headshot


Brandon Schu

Admission Counselor

Brandon Schu's headshot

Territory Counselors

Jasmine Alldredge

Ms. Jasmine Alldredge

Admission Counselor

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2736 Alldredge's Full Biography

Heather Cook

Mrs. Heather Cook

Senior Associate Director of Admission

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2274 Cook's Full Biography

Rachael Darrett

Mrs. Rachael Darrett

Admission Counselor

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2144

Alli Haley

Ms. Alli Haley

Admission Counselor

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-5773 Haley's Full Biography

Brandon Schu

Mr. Brandon Schu

Admission Counselor

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2733 Schu's Full Biography

Megan Nilssen

Ms. Megan Nilssen

Manager of Specialty Markets Recruitment

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-5772

Jennifer Troutman

Mrs. Jennifer Troutman

Assistant Director of Admission

Room 232, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2108 Troutman's Full Biography

International Admission Contact

Toma Mallett

Mr. Toma Mallett

International Admission Counselor

812-488-2434 Mallett's Full Biography

Transfer Contact

Cherie Leonhardt

Mrs. Cherie Leonhardt

Manager of Transfer Admission

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2141

Administrators and Staff

Kenton Hargis

Mr. Kenton Hargis

Senior Director of Admission

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2142 Hargis's Full Biography

Kimberly Anthony

Mrs. Kimberly Anthony

Special Events Coordinator

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2140

Angie Dawson

Mrs. Angie Dawson

Admission and Recruitment Advisor

Room 104, Olmsted Administration Building 812-488-3430

Jamie Hills

Mrs. Jamie Hills

Applications Specialist

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2577

Kari Korschgen

Mrs. Kari Korschgen

CRM and Data Administrator

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-1006

Tiffany Meyer

Ms. Tiffany Meyer

Admission Processing Specialist

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2734

Kim McDonald

Mrs. Kim McDonald

Director of Enrollment Marketing and Operations

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-2683

Catie Taylor

Ms. Catie Taylor

Senior Associate Director of Admission

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-1124

Sara Ruggles

Mrs. Sara Ruggles

Administrative Assistant to Senior Director of Admissions

Room 104, Olmsted Hall 812-488-5131

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